Summer Days

Fishing the Crooked River

This week contained the summer solstice, June 21st, the longest day of the year. It also brought sunny days to the high desert. While we didn’t venture far from home, we did manage to visit some favorite spots.

Early summer is marked with days warmed by clear sky and daytime temps pushing into the realm of hot. However, the shrubs and grasses still hold spring greens with the added punch of a bloom or two.

A swallow swoops towards a colony of a gourd-shaped mud nests.
Collared Dove

There are still surprise bird sightings, even as the migration tapers off. We’ve spotted fawns, as well as fledglings, not always with camera in hand. Some of the most pleasant days are jammed into the last weeks of June and early July … if you’re lucky.

All too soon the relentless sun will bleach the color from the sage plateau. We’ll seek shade under ancient Juniper along the river’s edge. And all too soon, we will scan the horizon for a plume of wildfire smoke … all too regular these days.

Fishing buddies

The Crooked and Upper Deschutes are running at average flows and fishing better than ever. The weather is perfect for relaxing with a good read in our camp chair.  We’re not ignoring the oncoming drought, just enjoying the lush start to summer.

One Reply to “Summer Days”

  1. Great weather!! We’re headed to Fort Stevens today with Jen, boys, Jen’s in-laws and Yecnys. Should be a wild time 🙂

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